b'BC_5782_2021final_cmyk_Layout 18/8/219:47 AMPage 18Womenplayedapivotalroleintheresistanceascouriers, carrying information between communities including news of what was happening, word of theexistenceofdeathcamps,stolenGermanplans,manifestoes, and instructions on how to make weapons.As the war progressed, they also obtained money,weapons,ammunitionandmaterialforbombs,smuggled them into the ghettos, and delivered them topartisan groups in the forests. Tema Schneidermans false identity card, These tasks were daunting and put the women whoshowing her as Wanda Majewska. She was performed them at constant risk of discoveryandkilled in January 1943 during the first discoveryinturnmeantlikelyimprisonmentanduprising in the Warsaw ghetto.eventual death. Women were suited for this work. First, the resistance began at a time when there were increasingnumbers of progressive Jews in Europe. There were a number of political and Zionist youth groupsin which young women were active. As was mentioned earlier, many young women received a seculareducation and were able to speak Polish without a Yiddish accent. And feminine wiles played a roleas well: on more than a few occasions, couriers were able to get out of difficult situations by flirtingwith policemen or soldiers.In our present age of instant communications, its hard to imagine how starved the ghettos were forinformation; isolating them was a deliberate tactic of the Germans. Women couriers were key tocombating that isolation.'